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Storytellers are everywhere, but the opportunity to be heard is not | Natalya Patolot | TEDxUPV

NOTE FROM TED: TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx or ...View More

Lift the burden of generational trauma for young people | Justyne Eades | TEDxYouth@KingsPark

NOTE FROM TED: This talk contains a discussion of suicide. Please seek professional help if you or a ...View More

Alone? You’re Not The Only One | Todd Smith | TEDxStGeorgeStudio

At times in life we feel alone but in those times we find strength to overcome adversity. In this co ...View More

The power of sport | Michael Boyd | TEDxStormont

Michael Boyd OBE delves into the incredible power of sport and shares his personal journey of using  ...View More

Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Change the World | Devika Narayanan | TEDxNITTrichy

NOTE FROM TED: TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx or ...View More

Improv Presidential Debate - Up The Rebuttal Uncut Stream

Watch the full live stream of Up The Rebuttal, a presidential debate improv game played in Aexia Joi ...View More

Sustainable Cities and Communities To Address Climate Change | Vatsal Bhatt | TEDxQuito

In this fast paced talk Vatsal takes us through the role that sustainable cities and communities pla ...View More

Vermont: What is the Value of Hardship? | Rocket - | TEDxHartlandHill

Rocket has crisscrossed Vermont exploring the resilient and innovative nature of those who call the  ...View More

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